Easy Kids Pizza on Pitta Bread with Mini Tomatoes and Corn

Easy Kids Pizza on Pitta Bread with Mini Tomatoes and Corn


Greek pitta bread

Tomato pasta sauce

Mini tomatoes, halved

Frozen corn

Grated tasty cheese 


1. Place pitta bread on oven tray and cover with tomato pasta sauce.

2. Dot with halved mini tomatoes

3. Add frozen corn, straight from freezer. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

4. Cook under fan grill until beginning to bubble. 

# Decide how many pizzas you want to make and how much toppings you want.

Experiment with other toppings like cooked sweet potato, baby spinach and olives.

Recipe Stars

Lycopene found in tomatoes is a potent antioxidant.

Corn contains many essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Cheese contains calcium and protein,